SA Gardens is going to Introduce Marine World in Pakistan

Shakila Nasreen

Marine World in Pakistan

Lahore: How thrilling to walk in the sea and the sea creatures are all around you? Isn’t it exciting? Of course, it is. Marine World of Pakistan will prove the best entertainment for the people. It will give them unforgettable and an unrivaled experience.

Now, the first Marine World is going to be launched in Pakistan in SA Garden housing society, Lahore. Pakistan is a developing country and it is a revolutionary step to establish a Marine World with international collaboration.

It is a project of SA Garden Housing Society Lahore. The management aims to get unique and precious sea creatures from other countries like Malaysia, Hawaii, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Huge aquariums are going to be imported from these countries.

A team of highly skilled technicians and craftsmen will maintain this splendid project continuously. A highly qualified aftercare team will also be hired to manage the project afterwards. It will be a great source of edutainment visits for the people not only from Lahore but also from other parts of the region.

Marine World is very difficult to establish and maintain afterwards. In other words, it requires a lot of money to manage the existence of sea creatures, weeds, and plantation and water filtration process.

That’s why this source of entertainment is not available in most of the regions of the world. However, Pakistan is taking initiative in this context.

It will be a very exciting project for the Lahoris and it will add more uniqueness to the city too. The people would be able to get more knowledge about sea life, sea plantation and animals.

This marvelous amusement will bring a revolutionary change in the recreational ideas with knowledge about marine life.

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