15 Best April Fools Day SMS

Shakila Nasreen

Updated on:

Happy April Fool's Day

April Fool’s Day is approaching ahead, and you should be ready to have fun with the people by playing different pranks. You can celebrate this day with your friends and colleagues by sending SMS, quotes, and inspiring wishes. However, making them fool on this day is the unique tradition of the day, and it cannot be avoided.

Here, I am going to enlist many SMS for April Fool’s Day you can send to your near and dear ones. It will make them realize that they are away from you physically, but close to your heart always.

April Fool’s Day SMS

Hey, You know which is the best day to propose a girl…. April 1

You Know Why???

If she accepts, it’s Your luck Otherwise, Just tell “April Fool.”

Making Fool a wonderfool Friend

……Like You….


Press F13 on your

Keybord if You

Agree With Me..!!

Happy April Fool Day

Plz open this

after 2 days at saturday.






I know u can’t wait.

So Congratz.

U r a 1st FOOL of 2019.

April Fool in Advance

Is kadar hum aapko chahte hain…

Ki duniya wale dekh ke jal jate hai…

Yun to hum sabhi ko ULLU banate hain…

Lekin aap thoda JALDI ban jate hain…?

A – You r Attractive

B – You r the Best

C – You r Cute

D – You r Dear 2 Me

E – You r Excellent

F – You r Funny

G – You r Good-Looking

H – hehehe

I – I’m


Happy April Fool’s Day 2019

Best Relationships Needs

No Promises

No Demands N

No Expectations

It just Needs 2 people

1 Fool Like U


1 Cool Like Me…;-p

If people say you are crazy, be patient.

if they say you are a monkey, relax. if they say you are stupid, be cool but if they say you are smart, Thapad maar sale ko aur bol “March k Maheenay mien April Fool manata hai….”

Happy April Fool’s Day 2019

A recent study has proved that

Fools use their thumb while reading SMS.

Now it’s too late,

Don’t try to change your finger!

Try to catch some other fool!

FOOLse FOOLne FOOLonki FOOLwari me

FOOL ke sath wish kiya- O FOOL,

your are the most beautiFOOL,

wonderFOOL & colorFOOL amongst all FOOLS.

Happy April FOOLs day

April 1st Calls For A

Celebration Of Fools.


Go And Join Them.. 😀

Today Is Fools Day..

A Day Will Come,

When The Whole World Will









Once A Year.. 🙂


31st March ho ya 1st april

Fool to Fool hi hota hai.

Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful

Fool Day to the King of Fools

You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!!

Just a second, don’t misunderstand.

CUTE means:

C for Creating

U for Useless

T for Troubles

E for Everywhere..

Happy April Fool’s Day 2019.

You Are “UltiMate”

You Are “Loveable”

You Are “Lovely”

You Are “Unique”..

In Short, You Are Ullu…

Hey, know what I Just realized?

YoU are Really Ullu…

Happy April Fool’s Day 2019

1 cool person sent it

1 fool is

reading it

1 fool is angry

1 fool is still reading

Happy April Fool’s Day 2019.

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