Audi Pakistan e-Tron Car Prices Increased from September 9, 2022

Aamash Arslan

Audi Pakistan e-Tron Car Prices Increased from September 9, 2022

On Friday, Audi Pakistan announced a massive price increase on its e-Tron model range effective from September 9, 2022, owing to the unstable value of Pakistani rupee and increased regulatory duty by the government on electric vehicles.

Due to the improving value of the Pakistani Rupee against the US dollar in the market, all the automotive companies except KIA and Hyundai reduced their car prices. However, Audi Pakistan, the largest electric car giant, massively increased its e-Tron car prices. As per the notification, Audi e-Tron car prices are increased by almost 3.8 crores.

The dollar value has started to increase again against the Pakistani Rupee because of this Audi customers have to witness a huge price hike. Another reason for the price hike is the increased regulatory duty on vehicles by the government. The duty on electrical vehicles was 10% and now it is 100%.

Audi e-Tron 50, e-Tron 55, e-Tron SB, e-Tron GT, and RS e-Tron GT prices are increased by  Rs. 15,250,000, Rs. 38,405,000, Rs. 19,400,000, Rs. 21,150,000 and Rs. 29,595,000 respectively.

As compared to the last year, Audi e-Tron car rates have doubled after the massive price hike. This price hike and the fluctuating economic situation in the country leave people with an option to buy used Audi e-Tron cars.

Audi e-tron Latest Prices in Pakistan 2022

Here are the new Audi e-Tron car prices in Pakistan!

Variant Old prices (Rs.) New prices (Rs.) Price difference (Rs.)
e-tron 50 17,200,000 32,450,000 15,250,000 (+47%)
e-tron 55 21,000,000 38,000,000 17,000,000 (+45%)
e-tron SB 19,400,000 36,150,000 16,750,000 (+46%)
e-tron GT 21,150,000 48,325,000 27,175,000 (+56%)
RS e-tron GT 29,595,000 68,000,000 38,405,000 (+56%)

These new prices are effective from September 09, 2022.

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